WordPress 3.8 version comes with different color schemes that allow a user to change admin panel’s color and create custom admin color scheme according to their own choice.
How to switch or change WordPress default admin color scheme.
WordPress has 8 beautiful different color schemes for admin panel which makes the user experience, even more, better.
These admin colors schemes are named as:
- Default
- Light
- Blue
- Coffee
- Ectoplasm
- Midnight
- Ocean
- Sunrise.
You can change WordPress default admin color scheme by going to ‘Edit my profile’ link located right side of the admin bar. Hover over your name and icon. In the drop-down list, you can find this ‘Edit my profile link’ link.
Click the radio button on a color scheme you choose and click update profile at the bottom to save your settings.
How to Stop Users From Switching Admin Color Schemes
But when you running a site with multi-author and you don’t want your site subscribers or users change their color scheme in their admin panel. You can restrict the color scheme to default so that all users have a same colored admin panel.
Add this code to your function.php file.
function set_default_admin_color($user_id) {
$args = array(
'ID' => $user_id,
'admin_color' => 'Midnight'
wp_update_user( $args );
add_action('user_register', 'set_default_admin_color');
To hide the color scheme picker from your users, add this code in your function.php file.
if ( !current_user_can('manage_options') )
remove_action( 'admin_color_scheme_picker', 'admin_color_scheme_picker' );
You may also want to create custom admin color schemes if you don’t like the defaults. WordPress admin color schemes can also be customized to get a better user experience according to your choice. You can create your custom color scheme very easily.
How to create custom admin color schemes
- The first step you have to do is install and activate Admin Color Schemer WordPress plugin which you can find free of cost from WordPress repository.
- Now go to Tools » Admin Colors you will find the following screen. Here you can create your own custom admin color schemes.
- On this page, you can set your desired color by selecting a color from the color picker.
- You custom color scheme will be displayed under user profile page which can be found at the top right of the header.
There are four options on the screen Base, Icon, Highlight, and Notification.
- Base – It is the background color.
- Icon – You can choose a color for menu icons
- Highlight – This option helps you to change the color when you hover over the menu item and the selected one.
- Notification – You can customize the notifications circle counter which generally appears when there are new comments, plugin, theme and core updates.
When you click the advanced option you can find more options to customize every element found in the admin panel.
You can customize following elements in the advance option of Admin Color Schemer:
- Button
- Text (over Base)
- Body background
- Link
- Link interaction
- Checked form controls
- Menu background
- Menu text
- Menu icon
- Menu highlight background
- Menu highlight text
- Menu highlight icon
- Menu current background
- Menu current text
- Menu current icon
- Submenu background
- Submenu text
- Submenu alt background
- Submenu text interaction
- Submenu current text
- Bubble background
- Bubble text
- Bubble current background
- Bubble current text
- Menu collapse text
- Menu collapse icon
- Menu collapse text interaction
- Menu collapse icon interaction
- Toolbar avatar frame
- Toolbar input background
In the end, it’s all about making your admin panel more interesting and a better user experience. Feel free share your thoughts in the comments section below!