In this post, we will learn how to change the WordPress default footer in WP-admin area. Footer links and WordPress version are the considerable parts of the dashboard to customize. Add this code below to your theme’s functions.php file to hide the WordPress version number.
//Hide admin footer from admin
function change_footer_admin () {return ' ';}
add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'change_footer_admin', 9999);
function change_footer_version() {return ' ';}
add_filter( 'update_footer', 'change_footer_version', 9999);
To alter the WordPress default footer links add this code to your theme’s functions.php file.
function remove_footer_admin () {
echo 'Designed by <a href=" " target="_blank">SmallEnvelop </a> | WordPress Tutorials: <a href="" target="_blank">SmallEnvelop Blog</a></p>';
add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'remove_footer_admin');
Change the footer credits in any WordPress theme.
Most of the people don’t want to show the default footer copyright credits of WordPress theme author. Many WordPress themes come with their highly customizable options panel and customizer setting where you can change your footer credits right from the dashboard, however, there are many themes which don’t allow you to edit the code from the dashboard.
In those themes, you can edit and change footer code in your WordPress theme easily. I will guide you how to edit footer code in almost any WordPress theme found on or paid one.
Follow these simple steps to find the file where you can find the default copyright text which you want to change.
Method 1. Most of the time the footer credits are located in the footer.php file which you can find in your theme folder. If found, you can easily change it.
Method2. If you don’t find any evidence over there or not able to understand the code in footer.php you can try searching for HTML code and CSS class selector using Notepad ++. This may be the case when developer wraps the HTML content in any PHP function. Most probably these functions can be found in functions.php file.
Hope this tutorial may help you change footer credits code of you WordPress theme. Let me know how you feel about this guide in the comments.
Good Stuff!
Thank You