Best WordPress Plugins For Amazon Affiliate Website

Let me give you a quick look at what Amazon Associates program is and how it works, before listing out the best  Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins. Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program that allows the website owners and bloggers to create links, promote products and earn referral payments when customers click through and buy products from Amazon. It’s completely free to join and easy to use.

WordPress Plugins for Amazon affiliate

Here we have listed some of the best and useful WordPress plugins which will help you to create and manage an Amazon Affiliate website with WordPress easily.

List Of Useful Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins

1. EasyAzon


Easyazon is one of the most helpful tool for amazon affiliate WordPress site. This plugin creates Amazon affiliate links from within your WordPress post editor quickly. This plugin helps you to create text affiliate links for any product without going through the time-consuming steps of manually creating links from within the website. This is a big time saver feature after all Time is Money 🙂

EasyAzon is easy to use plugin. You just need to install this plugin and set up your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key from Amazon. These keys are required in order to send requests to Amazon and retrieve details about products.

On the plugin setting page, you will also notice the options for affiliate links toggle to open it in new windows and have the nofollow attribute applied. This plugin supports every location that has an Amazon Associates affiliate program.

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2. Amazon JS 

Amazon JS

Amazon JS is a plugin which gives the ability to add Amazon products to your WordPress posts and pages and customize their display style by using a jQuery template. AmazonJS adds a search form to WordPress post form so you can easily search Amazon products by keyword, ASIN or URL.

AmazonJS using Amazon Product Advertising API, in order to get Amazon product information from ASIN or keyword you have to specify your Access Key and Secret Access Key.

AmazonJS adds a media link (amazon icon)  in the WordPress post editor and provides a shortcode “amazonjs” to display Amazon products.

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3. Amazon Product in a Post Plugin

Amazon Product in a Post Plugin

Amazon product in a post plugin is something similar with AmazonJS plugin. This plugin also works on Amazon Product Advertising API so it is required to have an AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for your own use.

With Amazon Product In a Post Plugin, you can quickly add as many amazon products as you want to any existing or new page/post content using a shortcode. You can easily monetize your blog posts with custom Amazon Product and add your own reviews and descriptions.

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4. Amazon Auto Links – Amazon Associates Affiliate Plugin

Amazon Auto


Amazon Auto Links plugin is very helpful Amazon associates affiliate plugin which displays amazon affiliate products with minimal effort. With this plugin, you do not have to worry about to manually inserting affiliate links. Just pick your targeted categories  and it will automatically display the links of decent products just coming out from Amazon today.


  • Supports All Amazon Associates Locales.
  • Filter Unwanted Products
  • Custom Button
  • Export Ads into External Sites with Feed
  • Customize Outputs
  • Automatic Insertion in Posts and Feeds

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5. Amazon Link Engine

Amazon Link Engine - Affiliate plugin for Amazon niche website

The Amazon Link Engine plugin instantly boost your sale and improve user experience and increase conversions by monetizing product affiliate link.

After installing the plugin,  your Amazon links are instantly localized every time a user loads the page. Even if you add new links to your WordPress site, each link will be automatically converted without any additional work.

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6. Amazon Product Feeder

Amazon Product Feeder

Amazon Product Feeder plugin uses the RSS feeds from Amazon, your page content will always change with the source at Amazon. So every time a search engine will crawl you website will get an updated website.

Amazon Product Feeder easily creates amazon products showcase on your blog by inserting a shortcode. This plugin makes your Amazon Associate affiliate marketing easy and comfortable while boosting revenue. This a really an awesome solution.

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7. Check Amazon Links

Check Amazon Links

As it’s name says Check Amazon Links plugin automatically check Amazon links to see if the products are in stock or not. If a product is out of stock this plugin notifying you by sending daily alerts.

Check Amazon Links uses the Amazon Product Advertising API to request current inventory status from Amazon.It creates a database of all of your Amazon links and displays this information in a table so you can easily found out information about products. One advance feature of this plugin is it supports WordPress multisite.

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8. Amazon Affiliate Plugin – Amaplug


Amaplug is a premium WordPress plugin which embeds Amazon products in your posts, pages or widgets very easily. This plugin uses the official Amazon Product Advertising API and by using it’s shortcodes  you can easily display bestseller lists or single products in a website.


  • TinyMCE Editor to generate shortcodes.
  • Every product link will include your tracking id to receive sale commissions
  • Available languages are german and english (custom translation possible)
  • Custom fields available – get additional data und use it in templates
  • Shows current price, sale (if available), star ratings and many more
  • Create your own templates – using basic HTML and CSS only
  • 4 different styles (silver, light and dark yellow, text link) included
  • Get the Amazon reviews for each product and display them
  • Premium support directly from developer
  • Full responsive functionality
  • Unlimited products
  • Lightbox

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9. Amazon eStore Affiliates Plugin

eStore - WordPress Amazon Affiliate Plugins

Amazon estore affiliates plugin converts your estore into a profitable amazon affiliate website. This plugin increases your chances to get a heavy commission. Amazon estore affiliates plugin has user-friendly interface and an option for roll back everything.


  • Automated Amazon Content Spinner
  • Products Stats module
  • Excellent On-Page Optimization
  • Advanced Search & Bulk Import Module
  • Maximize advertising fees
  • Facebook Store
  • Backup Module
  • Amazon review tab

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10. Amazon WooImporter

Amazon WooImporter - WordPress Amazon Affiliate Plugins

Amazon WooImporter  plugin used to import products from Amazon website  to your WordPress WooCommerce site. The plugin very is helpful to create a woocommerce store with Amazon affiliate links.

WooImporter plugin is based on the official providers APIs. After successful uploading, products will appear as products in WooCoommere table.


  • Search Amazon for the product by Product ID
  • Search Amazon products by different filters: keywords, category, price range, condition, site.
  • Participate in the Amazon Affiliate program by adding your API key.
  • Auto-generate your affiliate links by switching default product type to “External/Affiliate Product”.
  • Find links to Amazon product and seller pages on the WooCommerce Orders page in the WordPress backend.
  • Use the Price rules to set own rules to add your markup/margin to product price.
  • Possibility to display regular and sale prices of the product.
  • An auto-update system to check product price and stock-availability.
  • Scheduled posting option.
  • Auto currency conversion.
  • Ability to delete links and images from the product description while the posting.
  • Save free space on your server to limit count loaded images for products by using import product images limit
  •  WooImporter plugin  addons available for the other providers such as eBay, Aliexpress, Walmart, and Envato.

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Do let us know about any other Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins which you are using? Don’t forget to subscribe to our Email newsletter to keep receiving more updates.


7 thoughts on “Best WordPress Plugins For Amazon Affiliate Website”

  1. You are great Mam. Your post is very informative and inspiring. The problem with these plugins are that their settings are cumbersome, how to deal with that if some is not so familiar with WordPress. User manual or support are very poor with these plugins.


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